Group Loan

Join Liability Group Loan

JLG loans offered to the group of women clients for their income generation activity. Group Size should be 5 members who located with close proximity to each other. We offer loan with no security deposit, collateral free and with no margin.

Loan Amount Minimum ₹ 10,000 to Maximum ₹ 75,000
Interest Rate 26%.
Direct Bank Transfer.
UPI Facility for Loan Repayment.
On the Spot Credit Check.
Digitalized House Verification.
Instant Message on Repayment.
Processing Fees 1.5% of the loan amount + Applicable GST
Group Loan Origination

Simple 8 Step Process

1. Survey

2. Sourcing

3. KYC & Credit Check

4. Residence Verification

5. GRT

6. Documentation

7. Disbursement Meeting

8. Loan Disbursement

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No.1D, 3rd Floor, Noor Sait Plaza, Near New Bus Stand Thiruvananthapuram Road, Palayamkottai Palayankottai Palayamkottai Tirunelveli TN 627002 IN
9:30 AM – 6:30 PM,